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Sustainable Goals

Reach your sustainable goals with opensmartmonitor. We cover everything including energy, environmental, and machine health. You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

Get an OpenSmartMonitor Demo

OpenSmartMonitor gives your the microscope for your business. Reduce energy costs, improve efficiency, and achieve your sustainable goals.


  • Machine Usage & Health
  • Electricity
  • Air Quality
  • Workplace Environment


  • Real-Time Data
  • Automated Alerting
  • Breakdown Insights


  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Data-Driven Improvements

What's Included?

For £99 you can signup for a 30 day demo of the full solution. Receive a simple sensor along with a dashboard and experience it in the flesh.

opensmartmonitor solution

Alternatively, contact us for a virtual dashboard demo.

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